Maureen's energy is grounding and playful, but also deeply healing.  Her teachings are rooted in the simple belief that we can transform our lives by moving our bodies, deepening our breath, and learning to find ease in stillness.

She inspires her students to understand the biomechanics and alignment of their unique bodies as a gateway to embodied awareness and optimal health.  Students leave Maureen's classes feeling relaxed, invigorated and inspired - and perhaps a tad sore.       

She loves sleeping out under the stars, gathering around a campfire, plunging into cold bodies of water, organizing big mountain adventures, and simply being with her two teenage sons and husband. 

"Maureen has a welcoming + supportive energy, and I feel deeply seen in her classes.  She somehow encourages me to challenge myself while also taking deep care of myself.  I go out of my way to practice with her and her bright spirit!"   
